
The Compact Accelerator

V. A. Vinokurov

I offer the project of research and technological works for creation and commercial use of new generation electronic devices. The project basis is my scientific achievements in electrodynamics, whose priorities are filed in my claims for discovery and patent. My new physical theory gives series of technological consequences. The first of then is a new principle acceleration of charged particles and principally new construction of accelerator.

Advantages of my accelerator construction are best seen when comparing with the three new biggest accelerator complexes for protons, which are built now:

  1. SSC project of supercollider in Texas,
  2. LHC project of large hadron collider in Geneva,
  3. accelerator project of Higher Energies Physics Institute (HEPI) in Protvino near Moscow.

SSC project: basic ring diameter is 27.7 km, general cost is $ 10 billion. (This project was stopped by The Congress in 1994.)

LHC project: basic ring diameter is 8.6 km, general cost is dollars billions.

HEPI project: basic ring diameter is 6.7 km, cost is rubles billions in prices of 1985 year.

My project with the same or better beam physical parameters has 12 m basic accelerator diameter and $ 10 million cost. So my proton accelerator exceeds a thousand times in diameter and cost of the three aforesaid prototypes.

My construction electron accelerator for any output beam energy has diameter

63 cm and may be diminished further in dimensions. ( The Erevan Institute Electron Accelerator has 69 m diameter, for comparison.) Portability and low price give opportunity his wide scientific and industrial use.

Technological applications. Beside large accelerators construction my discovery has applications in the following technology areas:

Semiconductor industry — manufacture of new generation chips with super high density of elements.

Electron microscopy — manufacture of precise and compact electron optical systems.

Manufacture of electromagnetic waves generators, that are compact, powerful, available for any range of waves and for gamma range also.

Such generators have use in telecommunications and in space systems particularly.

Corpuscular radiators that are powerful and compact can be used for cutting. Stationary radiators can be used for cutting materials in industrial processes. Portable radiators can be used in construction. Special radiators can be used for cutting remote objects on the ground and in space.

My accelerator has a property of reversibility, i.e. it can be used as decelerator. So it can be used as generator of electric current and for defense from penetrating radiation. System with two such devices can be used for transfer of energy in distance, particularly in space.

Ecological consequences of the invention are preservation of nature, stop of radiation pollution of environment, economy of financial, material and industrial resources.

Transition from giant accelerators to compact ones with better physical parameters can have similar impact on society as transition from large

computers to personal ones. The new accelerator can become a universal tool.

Prospects. My theory furnished new more precise movement equations for a charged particle in electromagnetic field and, in particular, asserts that mathematical models, using for plasma evaluation now, are essentially inexact, specially for long time of confinement and high energy particles. So my discovery changes principally situation in controlled thermonuclear fusion problem.

My theory makes it possible to solve the problem of object mass control and on the basis of that to give new principles of movement and sources of energy, in particular, to solve the problem of flying plates.

To ensure organization of my researches I would want to create an electrodynamics and mathematical physics institute.

The project aims: development of principally new devices, their patenting and preparation of serial manufacture. Intermediate aims are implementation of crucial experiment to check new theory truth and research works to explore new physical effects, given by the new theory.

The program of works consists from the following stages:

1. Crucial experiment implementation — cost is $ 10000 — time of execution is 4 months.

2. Theoretical studies - $ 120000 - 1 year.

3. Experimental studies of the new physical effects — $300000 —

8 months.

4. Technological studies of new devices and patenting — $ 350000 —

9 months.

5. Preparation documentation for manufacture of new devices — $ 150000 — 6 months.

Project general cost is $ 930000.

Time of implementation is 1.5 year.

Expected profits. Price of an electron accelerator for semiconductor lithography is $ 20000000 in world market now. Cost of my accelerator is $ 300000 and possible price is $ 1300000. Expected demand is 50 items per year. Expected profits are $ 50000000 per year.

Risk assessment. The aim of the first stage is checking of basic conception. So the financial risk value is $ 10000, cost of crucial experiment implementation.

Possible forms of cooperation: 1) organization of mutual researches with sharing profits from obtained patents, 2) know — how sale, 3) license contract, 4) author rights sale, 5) mutual firm creation.

Publications. Physical theory account:

Valery A.Vinokurov. Account of The Condensation Theory. — Moscow: "SOUZ"

Publishing House , 1994.

General information about the author and the project:

Literaturnaya Gazeta, 1992, N 12 and 1993, N 29;

Rossiiskaya Gazeta, 1995, January of 25.


The project author, owner of author rights and patent

Valery A.Vinokurov

Prof., Dr. Sc.


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